Saturday 24 October 2020

Mantra Power: Mantras are Frequencies that can Heal, Kill and Transcend

OM is the first and foremost of all mantras. OM is the sound of cosmic energy and contains all the sounds in itself. The spiritual efficacy of OM is heard, not by the ears but by the heart. It surcharges the innermost being of man with vibrations of the highest reality. All galaxies (including ours) are rotating and the sound they make is OM.
Frequency of OM is 7.83 Hz , which is inaudible to us as the human ear with it's 2 strand DNA cannot discern sounds of frequency less than 20 hertz. 

Frequencies of various Beej Mantras

OM – 7.83 Hz
Gam – 14 Hz
Hleem – 20 Hz
Hreem – 26 Hz
Kleem – 33 Hz
Krowm – 39 Hz
Sreem – 45 Hz

Seven Chakras and Mantras

Muladhara (मूलाधार)
Base or Root Chakra: Cervix/Perineum
Sound Note: C
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Mantra: Lam
Frequency in Hz: 261.6, 523.3, 1046.5, 2093, 4186
Keeps you Grounded. Connects your feet to the Earth. Good if you can’t make descisions.

Swadhisthana (स्वाधिष्ठान)
Sacral Chakra: last bone in spine
Sound Note: D
Colour: Orange
Element: Water
Mantra: Vam
Frequency in Hz: 293.7, 587.3, 1174.7, 2349.3, 4698.7
Emotions, Passion, intuition and creativity.

Manipura (मणिपूर)
Solar Plexus Chakra : Navel area
Sound Note: E
Colour: Yellow
Element: Fire
Mantra: Ram
Frequency in Hz: 329.6, 659.3, 1318.5, 2637.1, 5274.1
Confidence, Assertiveness, ability to take a stand and say No.
Will Power.

Anahata (अनाहत)
Heart Chakra: Heart area
Sound Note: F
Colour: Green
Element: Wind
Mantra: Yam
Frequency in Hz: 349.2, 698.5, 1396.9, 2793.9, 5587.7
Love, Kindness, Compassion, Harmonious relationships.

Visuddha (विशुद्ध)
Throat Chakra (throat and neck area)
Sound Note: G
Colour: Blue
Element: Sky
Mantra: Ham
Frequency in Hz: 196, 392, 784, 1568, 3136
Self-Expression and Open communication.

Ajna (आज्ञा) Brow
Third Eye Chakra (pineal gland or third eye)
Sound Note: A
Colour: Indigo
Element: Body
Mantra: OM
Frequency in Hz: 110, 220, 440, 880, 1760, 3520.

Insight and visualisation. Opens up your perceptive physic ability.

Sahasrara (सहस्रार)
Crown Chakra (Top of the head; ‘Soft spot’ of a newborn)
Sound Note: B
Colour: White (combination of all the colours ) or Violet
Element: No Element
Mantra: No Sound
Frequency in Hz: 123.5, 246.9, 493.9, 987.8, 1975.5, 3951.1

Wisdom. Connecting you to your higher Self and spirituality.
Astral projection, Inter galactic travel, higher spiritual powers, timelessness, language of light etc.

Advantages of natural production of Nitric Oxide in our body :

The anuswaram (nasal sound) MMMM humming boosts the production of Nitric oxide in the body. This was known to Indians and documented more than 7000 years ago.
Nadaswaram (Shehnai) is an ancient musical instrument which produces similar nasal sound.
OM opens up quantum tunneling, where the wormholes do NOT have a restriction of speed of light. The secrets of this universe are contained in energy, frequency and vibration.
If you make the sound of OM in front of a drop of liquid, it will transform itself into a Sri Yantra which is a very specific visual form, which is symmetrical and also holographic, in that every bit of it contains all of it.
This Sri Yantra was revealed to Maharishis with 12 strand DNA and king sized pineal glands more than 8000 yrs BC.
Sanskrit Mantras have the precise golden ratio of 1.618 sound harmonics ( Fibonacci)

🙏 Jai Gaumata 🙏
Source : Panchagavya Healing WhatsApp group

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